National Assembly for Wales / Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru
Health and Social Care Committee / Y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol


Public Health (Wales) Bill / Bil Iechyd y Cyhoedd (Cymru)


Evidence from Caroline Evans – PHB 23 / Tystiolaeth gan Caroline Evans – PHB 23


The Public Health [Wales] Bill consultation


I have been asthmatic since I was 18 and for a great deal of that time I would have to try avoid indoor spaces where there were smokers, or try to sit by a window or open door to allieviate breathing in the smoke. The ban on smoking in pubs for example has been marvellous for me and others with breathing problems, however increasingly I now have to look around to check I am not near anyone vaping - second-hand breathing in of the vapour is an unpleasant experience and acts as a trigger for an asthma attack. For example, I regularly attend a meeting where two vapers also attend, and they vape inside the meeting room. I have had to ask that they do not do it when I am in the room which has not gone down very well and has made me feel rather like a leper. 

I fully understand how these items can help with smoking cessation plans and the appreciate the importance to people's health to stop inhaling tobacco smoke.  I live with a smoker who has tried to give up - so he has to live with not being able to smoke when I am in the room, and me rushing around opening up windows and doors to clear the smoke.

I do fully support the move for a ban in Wales for e-cigarette smoking in enclosed public spaces.

There is not yet enough research on the impact of the second-hand vapour - Asthma UK have told me that if my lungs react to the second-hand vapour then it is definitely acting as a trigger for me and I should avoid it [obvious really!]: as an organisation they are looking at the latest findings to assess their on-line advice knowledge bank  on second-hand inhalation of the vapour.